
When we give to our parish community, we are expressing our gratitude for the blessings God has given us. Giving can take many forms.

Giving of our time and talent contributes greatly to the life of a parish. You are encouraged to search through the various ministries and organizations of the school and parish to discern how you might best share your time and talents with the community. This website is filled with information and contact names to help you get started.

Giving of our treasure is also an important commitment. Your support through Sunday collections, participation in fundraising events or remembering this parish in your will are important building blocks for the programs, facilities and functions of our parish and school.

If you would like to make a commitment today, our online payment partner is, a secure interface for making donations by electronic check or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express).

Donate on now.

If you would like a donation ‘receipt’ to put in the Sunday collection basket, indicating that you’ve donated online, feel free to download and print this sheet of donation acknowledgement slips that you can drop in the basket:
SRB GiveCentral donation receipts (PDF)