Liturgical Ministry Schedule


2021-2022 Altar Servers
SRB Ministry Schedule: August 6 – September 25, 2022

If you are unable to make your assigned time, please find a substitute. If you need of a current contact list for your ministry, reach out to the rectory.

Liturgical Ministers are a critical piece to the Ministry at St. Robert Bellarmine. Lectors, Ushers, Greeters, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers and Choir members all add to the reverence and grace-filled experience of Liturgy.

Parishioners over the age of 16 are invited to consider becoming a lector or eucharistic minister. Children in 4th grade and up are invited to become altar servers. If you are interested in being trained for these ministries, please contact the rectory at 773-777-2666.